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FIPS 201 Approved Product List

This page is for program managers and acquisition professionals looking for approved products for physical access control systems and PIV cards. This page also contains the removed products list.

If you think this page is missing something, contact us to ask a question.

How To Purchase

Visit the Buy Page to view FICAM products, services and purchasing guidance.

Approved Products - Physical Access Control Systems

The Physical Access Control System (PACS) products listed under the “Approved” section below have met the security and functional requirements set by GSA’s FIPS 201 Evaluation Program, and have been approved for use by the Federal Government. Note that the Approved PACS Products below are grouped by either 13.01 or 13.02 topologies:

  • 13.01 Topology – end-to-end systems which integrate components from three categories (PACS Infrastructure; Validation System; and PIV Reader) together through software (SDK or API).
  • 13.02 Topology – end-to-end systems which integrate the first two components (PACS Infrastructure; Validation System) into a “PACS Validation Infrastructure,” which is then integrated with the third component category (PIV Reader).

Approved 13.01 Topology PACS Products

Approved 13.01 Topology PACS Products List
PACS Infrastructure PACS APL # Validation System Validation APL #
AMAG Symmetry Professional v9.3 10047 HID Global Validation System for AMAG Symmetry Professional v9.3 10048
AMAG Symmetry Professional v9.8 10143 Identity One Validation System for AMAG Symmetry Professional v9.8 10144
Avigilon ACM 10122 HID Global Validation System for Avigilon 10123
Datawatch Systems Site Controller 10117 Validation System for Datawatch 10118
DAQ Starwatch 10071 HID Global Validation System for DAQ Starwatch with Embedded Authentication 10072
Feenics Keep V3 10120 HID Global Validation System for Feenics Keep V3 with Embedded Authentication 10121
Gallagher PIV Command Centre 10019 HID Global Validation System for Gallagher Command Centre 10020
Genetec Security Center - Synergis with HID 10061 HID Global Validation System for Genetec Security Center – Synergis 10062
Honeywell Pro-Watch 10063 HID Global Validation System for Pro-Watch 10064
LenelS2 OnGuard with HID Embedded Auth 10112 HID Global Validation System for LenelS2 OnGuard with Embedded Authentication 10113
LenelS2 OnGuard with TI Embedded Auth 10126 TI Entry Point Validation System for LenelS2 OnGuard 10127
Open Options DNA Fusion 10075 ID Global Validation System for Open Options DNA Fusion 10076
ReconaSense 10131 HID Global Validation System for ReconaSense 10132
RS2 Technologies Access It! 10036 HID Global Validation System for RS2 Access It! 10037
System Galaxy Software 10083 Entrypoint Validation System for Galaxy Control Systems 10084
Tyco Security Products CCURE 9000 with HID 10001 HID Global Validation System for Tyco Security Products C-CURE 9000 10002
Tyco Security Products CCURE 9000 10115 Innometriks Validation System for Tyco/Software House CCURE 9000 10108
Genetec Security Center - Synergis with TI 10145 TI Entry Point Validation System for Genetec Security Center - Synergis 10146 10146
NAPCO CA4K Enterprise Access Control 10192 Identity One Validation System for NAPCO CA4K 10193

NOTE: APL listings 10027 and 10028 are consolidated into APL listings 10112 and 10113, respectively.

Approved 13.02 Topology PACS Products

Approved 13.02 Topology PACS Products List
PACS Infrastructure and Validation System APL #
Gallagher Command Centre PACS 10114
Identiv Velocity Security Management System 10103
Kastle Systems CPS (EP) PACS and Validation Infrastructure 10116
XTec AuthentX ePACS PACS and Validation Infrastructure 10077
Software House C●CURE-9000 V3.0 PACS 10159

PACS Readers

NOTE: PACS readers are approved as part of a complete solution. The list below represents the readers that have been tested and verified as part of a solution (e.g., Infrastructure + Validation Engine + Reader). Each of the linked approval letters lists the approved reader types, associated APL#, and tested PACS solution.

PACS Solutions Awaiting Approval

PACS Solutions Awaiting Approval List
Position Solution APL Numbers New/Update Testing Status
1 AMAG Symmetry Professional + HID Global Validation System 10047 & 10048 Update In queue
2 Gallagher Command Centre PACS (13.02) 10114 Update In queue
3 Gallagher PIV Command Centre + HID Global Validation System for Gallagher Command Center 10019 & 10020 Update In queue
4 Datawatch + HID pivCLASS New New In queue

Cycle 2 and 3 updates are moved to the front of the test queue once they are installed. While between cycles, solutions may not appear here.

Approved Products - PIV Smart Cards

The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards listed below are approved for FICAM implementation under the FIPS 201 Evaluation Program. These are blank PIV cards available for purchase. A PIV service provider will personalize these blank cards for federal agencies and contractors. PIV service providers are required to use PIV cardstock from the Approved Products List (APL).

If you do not see a card below, it’s possible it’s on the Removed Product List.

Please note:

  • Tri-Interface cards are not approved for federal government PIV or CAC card use. Agencies should not procure them. They are listed on the APL for industry-only acquisition.
  • Manufacturers may call Tri-Interface cards by different names (for example, Dual Hybrid). The prohibited feature of Tri-Interface cards is a prox interface (a 125 kHz antenna).
  • Agencies should procure only cards validated by the NIST Personal Identity Verification Program (NPIVP).

Approved PIV Cards

Approved PIV Cards List
APL Number Product Name Valid Date
1512 ID-One PIV v 2.4.2 on Cosmo V8.2 11/16/2021
1428 ID-One PIV v 2.4.0 on Cosmo V8.1 (EEPROM) 08/15/2017
1428 ID-One PIV v 2.4.1 on Cosmo V8.1 (ROM) 11/13/2017
1428 ID-One PIV v 2.4.1 on Cosmo V8.1 (EEPROM) 11/13/2017
1355 ID-One PIV v 2.3.5 on Cosmo V8 (High Speed) 06/17/2015
1354 ID-One PIV v 2.3.5 on Cosmo V8 06/17/2015
1511 IDEMIA Cosmo V8.0 11/13/2019
1431 HID Global Crescendo PIV 01/24/2018
1500 Gemalto TOP DL v2.1 with HID Global ActivID Applet Suite v2.7.4 08/03/2018
1510 Safenet IDPrime PIV v3.0 08/01/2019
1430 Gemalto IDPrime PIV v2.1 01/10/2018
1429 Giesecke+Devrient Mobile Security SmartCafe Expert 7.0 with HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.5 11/09/2017
1502 Giesecke+Devrient Mobile Security SmartCafe Expert 7.0 with StarSign Applet v1.0 12/13/2018

Legacy PIV Cards

Legacy PIV cards are no longer approved for purchase by the FIPS 201 Evaluation Program. Any cardstock designated as “legacy” is placed on this legacy list and on the Removed Product List. However, some federal agencies still need to procure the legacy cardstock to use while existing systems are being upgraded. Agencies must stop using cardstock on the legacy list by June 30, 2024.

Legacy PIV cards include the following:

  • Gemalto IDCore 3020 v1, 128k dual-interface with ActivIdentity Digital Identity Applet Suite – APL# 1244
  • Giesecke & Devrient StarSign(R) SmartCafe(R) Expert 144K with PIV Applet – APL# 525
  • IDEMIA ID-One (Type A) Large D – APL# 587

Agencies procuring cardstock from the legacy list assume all risks associated with its use from now until the NIST-mandated deadline of June 30, 2024.

If your agency needs to purchase cardstock from this legacy list, you must submit an Assumption of Risk Memorandum (memo) from the agency Chief Information Officer(s) to the General Services Administration (GSA). The memo must contain the following information:

  • Acknowledgement of the assumption of all associated security risks;
  • Acknowledgement of non-compliance with NIST standards;
  • A transition plan specifying major milestones to achieve full compliance by the 2024 deadline; and
  • Implications resulting from non-compliance with federal policy related to this purchase.

Submit the memo to GSA’s Associate Administrator for Government-wide Policy (OGP) (regardless of the acquisition vehicle used). If using GSA Multiple Award Schedule as the acquisition vehicle, also submit a copy of the memo to the Commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service.

Note that GSA will provide the Office of the Federal Chief Information Officer (OFCIO) at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) with copies of all memos submitted.

Removed Product List

The FIPS 201 Evaluation Program’s Removed Products List (RPL) displays products and services that were at one time on the Approved Products List but are no longer approved for government procurement. Due to security concerns, products on the RPL are not recommended for government acquisition. Products will be removed from the RPL after 3 years.

13.01 PACS Infrastructure Category List
13.01 PACS Infrastructure Category
APL # Supplier Product Name(s) Product Number Removal Date Reason For Removal
10013 Identiv 13.01 - Identiv Velocity 3.8.4 w/pivCLASS validation 5.20 N/A 2023-10-16 13.01 removed per vendor request. The approved 13.02 Identiv Velocity System is APL #10103
10043 American Direct Procurement, Inc. Quintron AccessNsite F96-002-600-XX** 2022-11-01 Not approved for FRTC 1.4.2
10087 Amag Symmetry Professional V8.1 Amag Symmetry PRO-PLAT-v8.1-HSE 2022-06-09 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10009 & 10010 Brivo Brivo OnSite server B-OSS-BA(X), B-ACS5000(y), B-ACS5000-DB, B-ACS-IPDC-(Z)A, B-ACS6000-DB, B-ACS300-A, B-ACS300-A-FIPS, B-ACS6000-A-FIPS 2021-10-13 Components end of sale
10097 Galaxy Control Systems System Galaxy Software 90-0600-20-#SD 2020-02-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10024 Monitor Dynamics SafeNet F50-101xx-SP4 2020-02-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10049 BridgePoint BridgePoint TrustZone PACS Software 67-32-0xxx 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10017 Johnson Controls P2000 Security Management System, Network Controller, 8-Door Reader Module, 2-Door Reader Module P2000, CK721-A, S300-DIN-RDR8S, S300-DIN-RDR2S-A 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10040 Secure Network Systems CRITSEC B100 Door Access Blade,CRITSEC Client Appliance,CRITSEC Master Appliance B100, CS-CU-5, CS-2000-32 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10065 The Will-Burt Company LINX Predator Elite Server Appliance, LINX Predator Elite Workstation Appliance, VIP-E Panel, LINX VIP Panel 5069705, 5069706, 5069706, 5069702 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10011 Johnson Controls/Tyco C*CURE 800 PACS Software CC800 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10073 Brivo Brivo OnAir for Government B-OAG-RDR-1 2017-03-18 Discontinued product
13.01 PACS Validation System Category List
13.01 PACS Validation System Category
APL # Supplier Product Name(s) Product Number Removal Date Reason For Removal
10014 HID Global 13.01 - pivCLASS validation system 5.20 for Hirsch-Identiv Velocity 3.8.4 N/A 2023-10-16 Per vendor request
10044 HID Global pivCLASS Registration Engine for AccesNsite PVCP-D/S-17-00 2022-11-01 Not approved for FRTC 1.4.2
10086 Technology Industries Technology Industries Validation System for AMAG Professional EP-IDM-STE 2022-06-09 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10098 HID Global pivCLASS Registration Engine for Galaxy GCS PVCP-D/S-32-00 2020-02-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10025 HID Global FIPS 201 SDK Runtime with SafeNET Plug-in PVC-API-RTL-25-00 2020-02-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10050 BridgePoint Trust Alert Enrollment Software, 1-factor Enrollment Reader 67-32-1216, 78-02-1102 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10018 HID Global pivCLASS Registration Engine for JCI P2000 PVCP-D/S-11-00 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10012 HID Global pivCLASS Registration Engine for C*CURE 800 PVCP-D/S-23-01 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10045 Technology Industries EntryPoint PACS Connector for JCI P2000 EP-PACS-2000 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10066 Technology Industries EntryPoint PACS Connector for Lynx Predator, Identity Management Suite, Validation Service, High Assurance Reader Service EP-PACS-LINX 2018-09-13 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
10074 HID Global pivCLASS Registration Engine (Brivo OnAir for Government) PVCP-D/S 03-01 2017-03-18 Discontinued product
13.02 PACS and Validation Infrastructure Category List
13.02 PACS and Validation Infrastructure Category
APL # Supplier Product Name(s) Product Number Removal Date Reason For Removal
10029 Vicount PACS and Validation Software for Viscount Freedom 1302 30-1302-PVS,50-1302-PIV,30-1302-FCM,50-1302-1 2020-11-25 Not approved for FRTC 1.3.3
PIV Card Category List
PIV Card Category
APL # Supplier Product Name(s) Product Number Removal Date Reason For Removal
1246 Gemalto (Protiva PIV) IDPrime PIV Card v1.55 (128K v2 dual-interface) 1025345 2018-09-13 Retired RNG
1245 Gemalto (Protiva PIV) IDPrime PIV Credential v2.0 (128K v2 tri-interface) PIV155WLV2 2018-09-13 Retired RNG
1247 Gemalto (Protiva PIV) IDPrime PIV Card v1.55 (72K v1 dual-interface) 1025347 2018-09-13 Retired RNG
1249 Gemalto (Protiva PIV) IDPrime PIV Card v1.55 (72K v1 dual-interface) 1025346 2018-09-13 Retired RNG
1248 Gemalto (Protiva PIV) IDPrime PIV Credential v1.55 (72K v2 tri-interface) PIV155WMV1 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
1250 Gemalto (Protiva PIV) IDPrime PIV Credential v2.0 (128K v2 dual-interface) 1030610 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
1251 Gemalto (Protiva PIV) IDPrime PIV Credential v2.0 (128K v2 tri-interface) 1030611 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
428 Gemalto Gemalto TOP DL with ActivIdentity Digital Identity Applet Suite DL4-AI-PIV 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
406 Gemalto Gemalto TOP DM with ActivIdentity Digital Identity Applet Suite DM4-AI-PIV 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
590 Gemalto Protiva PIV v1.55 on TOP DL PIV155DLV1 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
591 Gemalto Protiva PIV v1.55 on TOP DM PIV155DMV1 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
592 Gemalto Protiva PIV v1.55 on TOP WM PIV155WMV1 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
671 Gemalto Protiva PIV v1.55 using TOP DL v2 O1020725-HSPD12 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
672 Gemalto Provita PIV v1.55 using TOP WL v2 O1020726-HSPD12 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
589 Gemalto SafesITe FIPS 201 w/ HID Prox Card GC72DIP1HD-HSPD12 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
581 Gemalto SafesITe FIPS 201 w/ HID Prox Card GC72DIP1HD-HSPD12 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
378 Gemalto SafesITe PIV TPC DM GC72DIP0-HSPD12 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
1244 Gemalto IDCore 3020 v1, 128k dual-interface with ActivIdentity Digital Identity Applet Suite O1025344 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
525 Giesecke & Devrient G&D StarSign(R) SmartCafe(R) Expert 144K with PIV Applet 20018731 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
519 Giesecke & Devrient G&D StarSign(R) SmartCafe(R) Expert 80K with PIV Applet 20018732 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
1169 HID Global pivCLASS smart card v1.0 405000U(M) 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
587 Oberthur Technologies ID-One PIV (Type A) Large D 1107252 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
595 Oberthur Technologies ID-One PIV (Type A) Large D Hybrid 125 1107256 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
598 Oberthur Technologies ID-One PIV (Type A) Large D Hybrid 125 G 1142697 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
594 Oberthur Technologies ID-One PIV (Type A) Standard D 1107253 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
596 Oberthur Technologies ID-One PIV (Type A) Standard D Hybrid 125 1107257 2018-06-30 Retired RNG
424 TecSec Incorporated TecSec Eagle Card Eagle 1000 2018-06-30 Not Compliant with FIPS 201-2
530 Oberthur Technologies ID-One PIV (Type A) Large D 1107252 2015-06-17 Replaced by APL# 587

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